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Helping people feel more connected to their intuition and the animals in their lives.

Pixie Pearl

Animal Communicator


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Live Animal Communication
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Tarot & Card Readings
What does the future hold?
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Animal Mediumship
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Animal Communication (report)
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Live Animal Communication
Connect in real time!
store product block Tarot & Card Readings poster
Tarot & Card Readings
What does the future hold?
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Animal Mediumship
store product block Animal Communication (report) poster
Animal Communication (report)
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I connect with animals of all sizes and species. Including humans.

Hi, I'm Pixie Pearl!

Pet psychic, fortune teller, and cartomancer (tarot card readings).

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Disclaimer! I am not a medical professional, I simply relay information. Readings are for entertainment purposes only. Be advised that animal communications and tarot divination readings are spiritual services which cannot be used as a replacement for professional advice; legal, medical, financial, psychological or otherwise. The querent assumes sole responsibility for any decisions which they may make after a reading. I love you, please consult with a veterinarian or medical professional regarding any concerns or decisions that may arise.
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